Cataract & Refractive Surgery

Fellowship program in vision eye hospital is running very successfully. 

Cataract & Refractive Surgery

Cataract & Refractive Surgery

Fellowship program in vision eye hospital is running very successfully. 


  • Mastering the skills of using slit lamp biomicroscopy which includes Goldman Applanation tonometry 
  • Hands on experience in performing A-Scan, Biometry, USG and electrodiagnostic modalities.
  • Mastering the skills of using non-contact fundus lens under supervision of Retina Specialist. 
  • Hands on experience in performing small incision cataract surgery. 
  • Hands on experience in performing phaco surgeries under the supervision of Master surgeons.
  • Hands on experience in performing YAG Laser Capsulotomy. 
  • Hands on experience in performing LASIK/ LASEK
  • Hands on experience in performing PRK
  • Hands on experience in performing ICL/ IPCL
  • Observation in complicated cataract surgery including trauma. 
  • Diagnosis of uveitis under supervision of uvea specialist.
  • Diagnosis of ocular surface disorders under supervision 
  • Diagnosis of glaucoma under supervision
  • Diagnosis of retinal diseases under supervision
  • Taking part in research activities and presentations in conferences.
  • Familiarize with genetic screening and counseling.


  • Candidates who have completed post graduate degree (D.O./F.C.P.S./M.S./equivalent degree) Recognized by BMDC in ophthalmology may apply.
  • The candidate must have Binocular single vision (BSV).
  • Age should not exceed 40 years.

Session: There are two sessions in a year for Long term fellowship training program (March and September). 


Accommodation & Food: Subject to self-arrangement 

                                             Lunch & Tea will be provided by VEH.


Application process: Interested candidates who have requisite qualifications are requested to send their application on a prescribed form 

available at the Education Department or can be downloaded ( with CV directly to the education department Education Department, Vision Eye Hospital, 229 Green Road, Dhaka-1205 or send by mail  to


The selection examination is held twice a year in the month of February/August. Selection is done for 2 sessions (March and September). Advertisements appear in the hospital website. Candidates (National & International) will appear for the viva (Skype interview for foreign candidates) conducted by two examiners. List of selected candidates would be displayed on the hospital notice board and website. Qualified candidates employed elsewhere should produce a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from the employer at the time of the examination.


Last date of application February last working day for the session March & last working day of August for session September viva on will be held at Vision Eye Hospital (VEH) Premises on suitable day  

Cataract & Refractive Surgery fellowship


Total duration of fellowship 18 months

Application Process
